Pros and Cons of a Restricted Key System

ADL-keys lay on the floor

Table of Contents

This article will examine a restricted key system, how it works, and its benefits. In short, everything you ever wanted to know about restricted key systems is included in this article.

What is a Restricted Key System?

Before defining a restricted key system, it is first necessary to define what a key pattern is. A key pattern is a continuous series of straight vertical and horizontal lines that form frets, meanderings, and grooves.

A restricted key system is a group of keys with each key having its own unique pattern, and each key is patented and can only be copied by the master locksmith that cut them in the first place. In other words, the key pattern cannot be copied except by the person who created the pattern.

Restricted keys have a unique or one-off profile, shape, and grooving and include security features. This special pattern is referred to as a patented design. A restricted key is sold to a specific client and registered in a database as belonging to that client. This registration means that the key is put on a “do-not-copy” list, which then means that nobody other than the key’s original owner can order a copy to be made.

If the original owner wants a copy made, this is possible, but the only person who can do this is the registered locksmith who sold the restricted key to the owner in the first place.

Numbered and Named Keys

The keys in a restricted key system will sometimes be named or numbered. A named key is a key that has the owner’s name engraved on the key face. This naming identifies the key’s owner, and a locksmith will not cut a duplicate key for anybody other than the person bearing the name engraved on the key.

The keys in a restricted key system can also sometimes be numbered. Typically this will be a six-digit number engraved on the back of a key, and these numbers will sometimes represent the direct combination for the lock.

In restricted key systems, every key has a system number. The system number enables the locksmith to identify the system the key belongs to. For every restricted key system, a locksmith will have a file in a database containing all the relevant information about a particular key system. For example, the file gives a complete layout of all the keys in the system, the pins, and information on who the keys were issued to, when they were last cut, whose allowed to cut them, and who’s not allowed.

What are the Advantages of a Restricted Key System?

Greater Security

The first notable advantage of a restricted key system is that it offers a far greater level of security. A restricted key system limits the number of people with access to entry points. Individuals can only receive a copy of a restricted key if they have been granted authorization from the owner of the key.

Furthermore, a restricted key system has only one designated locksmith who is allowed to cut duplicate keys. Any locksmith other than the one designated to handle the restricted system cannot duplicate any key in the system.

Each key in the restricted system has a number attached, and this number identifies the system the key belongs to and who should have access to that system. These numbers and their information are kept in a registered locksmith’s database and cannot be reused or copied.

Lastly, the keys in a restricted system are patent protected, and copying restricted keys cannot be done unless you are the registered owner of that key requesting a copy from the locksmith who originally cut the key.

A Record of Each Key in Each System

Locksmiths keep a record of each key in each restricted system. Every key part of the restricted key system is registered to the locksmith who originally made the key. The record also shows who the owner of the key system is and the number and identification of the people to whom the particular keys were issued.

Locksmiths keep a record of each key in each restricted system. Every key that is part of a particular restricted key system is registered to the locksmith who initially made the key.

The record also shows the system’s designated owner and the number and name of people that were issued keys. This record-keeping process enables the key system’s owner to keep track of all keys in the system, know any particular key’s location, and monitor requests to cut a new set of keys.

Locks are Difficult to Pick

Locks associated with restricted key systems are tough to pick. Keys belonging to a restricted key system have a unique patented design, as do the corresponding locks. This means that restricted key systems give you extra protection against break-ins and theft.

Restricted Key Blanks

As the name suggests, a key blank is an object that comes in the shape of a key, but it is blank, meaning it has no bites or grooves. It has no pattern and is therefore considered a blank. Blank keys are typically used as a base, and a pattern is cut into them.

However, in the case of this particular system, restricted key blanks can only be used to cut a copy by the locksmith who cut the original pattern. Furthermore, the locksmith will only cut a copy if that key is registered to the person requesting the copy.

Restricted Copies

The number of copies in a restricted key system is limited, and those copies are strictly monitored. The only person allowed to request a copy to be made is the registered owner of the restricted key, and the request can only be made to the locksmith who originally cut the key. This ensures only a limited number of keys are in circulation, and the people who have those keys are known to the system’s owner.

Limited Access

Restricted key systems offer limited access. For example, when a restricted key system is put in place in the work environment, only employees possessing the appropriate key can access a particular area. This provides business owners with complete control over who’s allowed to enter a restricted area and who’s not.

Disadvantage of a Restricted Key System

There’s only one downside to a restricted key system. Due to the system’s advanced security features, losing a key would pose a problem. Imagine if you get yourself locked out of your store or house, you won’t be able to call any locksmith to open the lock for you.

This “disadvantage” is, however, well worth it considering the high level of security, privacy, and control you’ll enjoy in a restricted key system. It is also quite easy to prevent – you just have to take care of your keys. In the event of a lost key (because, let’s face it, sometimes we do misplace them), you just have to make sure you have an extra set that you can access easily.


So what does a restricted key look like and what can it offer you? A restricted key system is composed of unique one-off keys with a unique pattern that cannot be duplicated. Each restricted key is registered in a database and cannot be duplicated unless the registered key owner requests that duplication, and the process is performed by the same locksmith who originally designed the key.

The main advantage of restricted keys is that it significantly increases security when a restricted key system is implemented.

Get your restricted key system from a registered locksmith.

Restricted key systems are much like specialty keys and offer a much greater level of security than standard keys. Many businesses rely on restricted key systems to limit and control access to particular areas of the business.

A restricted key will be registered in a database to a specific owner, and only that owner can request duplicate copies to be made. Only a registered locksmith in Denver like Alexius Denver’s Locksmiths can cut an original restricted key system; only that same locksmith can cut any duplicate copies. Increase the security of your home or business by investing in a restricted key system – call us today!

Picture of  Gustavo Esquinca
Gustavo Esquinca

As the dedicated owner of Alexius Denver's Locksmiths since 1995, Gustavo Esquinca has been at the forefront of the locksmith industry in Denver, Colorado. With a passion for security and a commitment to excellence, Gustavo has led his dynamic team of licensed, bonded, and insured locksmiths and technicians to provide quality automotive, commercial, and residential locksmith services. With their years of experience and cutting-edge tools, Gustavo and his team ensure that your security needs are met with professionalism and guaranteed solutions that are available around the clock.

Picture of  Gustavo Esquinca
Gustavo Esquinca

As the dedicated owner of Alexius Denver's Locksmiths since 1995, Gustavo Esquinca has been at the forefront of the locksmith industry in Denver, Colorado. With a passion for security and a commitment to excellence, Gustavo has led his dynamic team of licensed, bonded, and insured locksmiths and technicians to provide quality automotive, commercial, and residential locksmith services. With their years of experience and cutting-edge tools, Gustavo and his team ensure that your security needs are met with professionalism and guaranteed solutions that are available around the clock.

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