The Sidewinder Key: What Is It and How Does It Work?

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Believe it or not, the first car key dates back to 1910, and they work through activating the electric circuit. As society progressed, so did the vehicles and their components. Keys evolved to increase their efficiency and anti-theft protection. With many key types that have emerged, people have many options. One of the most popular picks […]

Signs Your Transponder Key Is Broken and Why It’s Dangerous

If your car was made within the last 20 years, chances are it has technology in the key or fob, such as a transponder key. Car transponder keys have a radio frequency identification (RFID) chip inside. These types of keys are commonly used in the automotive industry. In addition, they are the standard for most vehicle manufacturers […]

7 Solid Reasons to Trust a Locksmith for Key Duplication

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Keys play a vital role in your daily life. They serve as the guardians of your home or business and keep you safe from potential intruders. With such power entrusted to these small metal objects, it’s crucial to prioritize the security of your keys. When it comes to key duplication, you must be cautious and […]

Unlock Your Hidden Potential: How to Become a Locksmith

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From ancient to modern times, skilled locksmiths have played a vital role in ensuring security and solving lock-related challenges. Today, the demand for locksmiths continues to grow as people increasingly value their homes and businesses. Becoming a locksmith isn’t just about picking locks; you’ll need to develop diverse skills and qualities. If you have a curious […]

How To Prevent Door Swells in Summer

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During the summer months, many homeowners may notice that their doors have started to swell or they find the door lock sticking. This is a common issue that can occur due to increased humidity levels. As the air becomes saturated with moisture, it can cause wood doors to expand and become misaligned. This can lead […]

Automotive Locksmith Services: Programming a Transponder Key

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In the past, car keys were simply metal objects that could be duplicated by an automotive locksmith or at a hardware store. However, with advances in vehicle security, modern car keys are now equipped with various electronic components, such as transponders, which require programming. The first step in automotive key programming is determining the type […]

Identifying and Dealing with Bad Ignition Switch Symptoms

Routine maintenance is a vital aspect of car ownership. It helps keep your vehicle in good condition, ensuring you and your passengers are safe while preventing unexpected breakdowns and costly repairs. However, even if your car is regularly maintained, occasional problems may still arise. One such problem that you should watch out for is a […]

Key Stuck in Ignition: Why It Happens and What You Should (and Shouldn’t) Do

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Starting a car with a key is something that most drivers do without much thought. It’s a simple process of inserting the key into the ignition, turning it, and driving away. However, this unremarkable process can become a major problem if something goes wrong—like the key getting stuck in the ignition. Imagine the frustration of […]

Reasons Why You Should Always Have Duplicate Keys

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Do you always find yourself having to deal with losing your keys? Ever wish you took the time to make a duplicate? Well, it’s not too late! Let’s discuss how you can benefit from having an extra set of keys at your disposal, and how you can effectively manage your duplicate keys! Benefits of Copying […]

Dealing with a Lost Car Key

Planning on taking that long-needed road trip? Unfortunately, you’re not driving anywhere without your car key, which is likely how you arrived here. Don’t worry too much just yet, because there are many ways you can regain access to your car even without your key! So sit back, relax, and let’s dive into the various […]